Crane Assisted 1

Quick & Efficient Removal Process

Crane Assisted

With a crane, the tree doesn’t have to fall. Instead, it’s lifted out of the area vertically, piece by piece, and moved to a drop zone. In that safe location (away from the crane) our ground crew cuts down the wood to smaller sizes for transporting and runs the branches through a chipper to be used as mulch.

Cranes can reach great lengths and make for a quick, efficient removal process. We use the crane for hard-to-reach and unsafe areas, and when there are multiple large areas or wooden lots. It allows us to haul entire sections at a time instead of requiring smaller chunks. It also keeps bulkier trunk pieces under better control as they’re removed.

Whether it’s the whole tree or just large portions that need to go, our crane-assisted tree removal can handle even the biggest species, like oaks and pines.

Contact us at any time with questions and/or to schedule your free estimate.